Have Your Say – Join the Conversation!

At The Joe Blogs Show, we don’t just talk at you—we talk with you.  This is your chance to voice your opinions, ask pressing questions, and shape the topics we cover.

Every survey we run is designed to uncover what the British public really thinks—not what the mainstream media claims you think.

What are your biggest concerns?  What questions do you want answered?  What issues should we expose next?

Take part in our latest surveys below!

    What are your top 10 issues you would like Government to resolve?

    What are your views as to Main Stream Media?

    How to you view the NHS

    How do you view the Education System?

    What is your understanding of Human Rights?

    What would you like to hear more of on The Joe Blogs Show?

    Why Do These Surveys Matter?

    We’re told what to think every day—by politicians, corporations, and the media. But do they really know what you think?

    Our surveys give real people a voice on topics that affect daily life in Britain, including:

    UK Politics & Government Accountability – Holding politicians responsible for their decisions.
    Media Bias & Truth in Journalism – Separating facts from propaganda.
    The NHS, Education & Public Services – Understanding what’s working and what’s failing.
    Human Rights & Civil Liberties – Identifying threats to freedom and democracy.
    Digital Currency & Economic Control – How technology is shaping our financial future.
    Policing, Crime & Public Safety – Examining how safe people really feel.
    Housing & Mortgages – Investigating why homeownership is becoming harder.

    Your opinions shape our content—what we investigate, discuss, and expose on The Joe Blogs Show.

    British Government Confidence Survey

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      Your voice matters. Take a survey today!

      How Your Answers Shape The Joe Blogs Show
      We use your feedback to:
      Develop new show topics based on what you care about.
      Bring in expert guests to discuss the biggest concerns raised in surveys.
      Hold those in power accountable by exposing real issues backed by public opinion.
      Push the conversation forward on topics ignored by mainstream media.

      Got an idea for a new survey? Suggest a question! Contact us!

      The Joe Blogs Show Survey

      Thank you for your help!

        What Type of content already on The Joe Blogs Show do you like?

        What sort of content would you like to hear Jono and Reggie talk about?

        Is there anything we should know about our content?

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