Unapologetically BritishExposing the Madness one Show at a Time
If the world were as crazy as the mainstream media portrays, the human race would have vanished along with the dinosaurs. The very fact that we’re still here proves there’s more right than wrong. So where does this idea come from that everything is so bad?
Over the last hundred years, the UK has been hit hard by war and political misguidance. Yet, as a culture, we still smile, crack jokes, and strive to maintain a positive attitude. But while resilience is part of the British spirit, it’s also time for change.
The purpose of The Joe Blogs Show is to inject a bit of humour back into our national character while exposing truths which, if addressed, could make the world a happier place for everyone. It’s about bringing people together over common issues and sending a clear message to those in power: the people own this country, and it should be governed by their will.